Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Still working

So, my routine will include taking the weekends off most of the time until I get a little more "hardcore".  Then I will incorporated Saturdays into my routine.  So far, I haven't worked out on a Saturday (unless you count housecleaning as exercise - which it definitely can be at times).  Monday I didn't hit the gym but did do an evening workout in my house.   45 minutes on the spin bike with 15 minutes of ab work afterwards.  Today so far I have done a 30 day shred workout from Jillian Michaels and am already hating going up and down my stairs - really sore already means they can only be worse tomorrow.  =)  Since my day was a little "off" (Hunter is sick) and there are some things planned for this evening - I plan on doing another 30 minutes when I get home.  If I don't get to it - I still feel like I had a great workout today.  I have yet to get outside and run again - hopefully these next couple of days will get warm like I want and I can hit the road then.  I have also been counting my calories and sticking pretty well to a plan so far this week.  Last week ended with a few too many splurges.  I am back on track and really hoping/wishing to see a drop on the scale soon. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

3rd, 4th, 5th

3rd- I hit the gym for an evening cycle class (45 minutes) I was pleased with myself for getting there despite the crazy morning
4th- Had plans to do the evening zumba class - but I was lazy and didn't go.  Definitely not a good day for a workout
5th- Hit the gym and tried a 20/20/20 class - the regular instructor wasn't there though so I still stayed to enjoy the class  Definitely glad I did - I found I get really used to my normal routine and my body can crank out that workout like it's no big deal - but, shake it up a little and my body says "whoa.... what was THAT!?"  Now determined to shake it up more.  Also thinking about taking some supplements, doing my research on them now.

Please excuse the short hand. 

Today's plan is to take the morning cycle class at the gym - I think I am going on a date with my husband tonight?  Probably won't end up happening AGAIN.  After yesterday's step on the scale to find NO weight loss - I am opting to have a protein breakfast (serving of greek yogurt with 1/4 c granola on top) and then drink water the rest of the day with veggies and fruit to fill in where needed.  Then, come dinner time I will eat a serving size of whatever I make for the family.  We'll see how that plan works out - really tired of being stuck at this size!

Monday, January 2, 2012

First run of the year

This morning I took off on a 1.5 mile run.  I am trying to get my body used to the jog and distance so that in the next two weeks, I can up it to at least 2 miles if not more.  I hope that if I stick with it well enough and practice often I can get the whole 5K down with plenty of time to spare.  I know I will finish the race come Feb 4, my goal is just to do it without stopping.  This morning was cold, and I really wanted to walk briskly instead a few times, but I stuck with it and pushed to the end.  My pace wasn't anything fabulous, but I did it.  My fitness quest has officially begun.  I am so excited - even though I really want a winter oreo right now.  Maybe I can allow myself a serving as my treat for the day - I just need to pick the perfect time to eat it.  My goal for the rest of the day is to ride my spin bike for an hour at some point today and do ab work as well.  If I am not super sore by then, I hope to run again this evening.  Wish me luck!  I will report in on it!
Never got to the bike or the extra run.  However, I was definitely working out though!  Spending almost all day trying to get a room organized in this place is HARD WORK!!  Of course, while mom is doing something in a different room - the kids will play and wreck the rest of the house!  SO moving "get rid of a ton of stuff" to the top of my resolution list now!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

First awesome choice of the year

In talking to some friends recently, the thought of signing up for some races locally has been brought up several times.  So... I got on the internet and searched for some local races in the 5k distance department to "break" myself into the whole running gig.  My first race?  A 5K held on February 4th in Virginia Beach.  Oh buddy will it be cold, but I am determined to do it.  Starting tomorrow I am going to start training for it and really hope to see myself finish with a really decent time.  No, I will not be running a marathon by the end of  the year.  I honestly have no desire to EVER run a marathon.  I may at most decide upon a half marathon at some point.  I mostly just want to have fun and get people to join me in my quest for fitness.  My dream since being in college has been to become a personal trainer.  I have always really loved the health field and wanted a skill I could use for my family as well.  The first step in becoming a personal trainer is to start LOOKING like a personal trainer.  In training for several races over the next 12 months (of varying lengths) I will be coming closer to that goal.  Any and all who want to join me.... here is the link.

A New Year

I have decided to start my own blog about my weight loss goals and achievements.  I am SO excited about all of this and really look forward to sharing this experience with others.  My hope is that those of you out there with similar goals may join me in this quest and we can accomplish a healthier lifestyle together and feel great.  My little story goes something like this:  I was 20 when I had my first baby, six months after having her, I found out I was pregnant with baby #2. During that time, I was nursing my first baby and was NOT successful at losing any weight whatsoever.  I basically felt overweight for two years straight.  Then my husband went and left me (navy - deployment) right before I had baby #2 - so I spent the deployment trying to lose all that weight - and guess what?  I did and weighed less than when I was married!  Hooray, right!?  Yeah, that's what I was thinking.  Then the meat and potato lovin' man came home from deployment and my diet changed, for the worse.  The extra weight I lost above and beyond my B.C. (before children) weight slowly crept back on.  Then, I got pregnant with baby #3.  Now, I love my son, but I just couldn't seem to shake a lot of weight after that one.  Despite how much I worked out.  So....15 months after that, I am pregnant with baby #4.  I had her at the end of Sept 2011.  Now that the holidays are over, I am SO ready to blow this popsicle stand!  Through this process I will be discovering myself and how my body loses weight.  I cannot recreate my ideal weightloss environment by sending my husband on a 7  1/2 month deployment  (we are very happy to have him around for a change) so I will need to figure things out by trial and error.  I will be writing all the stuff that works (and crashes and burns) down on this site for others to experiment with.  I will also write down tips and workout ideas as well.   If any of you choose to do this challenge with me - post your comments and findings along the way so we can learn from eachother.