Friday, January 6, 2012

3rd, 4th, 5th

3rd- I hit the gym for an evening cycle class (45 minutes) I was pleased with myself for getting there despite the crazy morning
4th- Had plans to do the evening zumba class - but I was lazy and didn't go.  Definitely not a good day for a workout
5th- Hit the gym and tried a 20/20/20 class - the regular instructor wasn't there though so I still stayed to enjoy the class  Definitely glad I did - I found I get really used to my normal routine and my body can crank out that workout like it's no big deal - but, shake it up a little and my body says "whoa.... what was THAT!?"  Now determined to shake it up more.  Also thinking about taking some supplements, doing my research on them now.

Please excuse the short hand. 

Today's plan is to take the morning cycle class at the gym - I think I am going on a date with my husband tonight?  Probably won't end up happening AGAIN.  After yesterday's step on the scale to find NO weight loss - I am opting to have a protein breakfast (serving of greek yogurt with 1/4 c granola on top) and then drink water the rest of the day with veggies and fruit to fill in where needed.  Then, come dinner time I will eat a serving size of whatever I make for the family.  We'll see how that plan works out - really tired of being stuck at this size!

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