Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Still working

So, my routine will include taking the weekends off most of the time until I get a little more "hardcore".  Then I will incorporated Saturdays into my routine.  So far, I haven't worked out on a Saturday (unless you count housecleaning as exercise - which it definitely can be at times).  Monday I didn't hit the gym but did do an evening workout in my house.   45 minutes on the spin bike with 15 minutes of ab work afterwards.  Today so far I have done a 30 day shred workout from Jillian Michaels and am already hating going up and down my stairs - really sore already means they can only be worse tomorrow.  =)  Since my day was a little "off" (Hunter is sick) and there are some things planned for this evening - I plan on doing another 30 minutes when I get home.  If I don't get to it - I still feel like I had a great workout today.  I have yet to get outside and run again - hopefully these next couple of days will get warm like I want and I can hit the road then.  I have also been counting my calories and sticking pretty well to a plan so far this week.  Last week ended with a few too many splurges.  I am back on track and really hoping/wishing to see a drop on the scale soon. 

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